Sunday, March 7, 2010


Sometime missing someone can be a torture but it can be a wonderful thing also.Currently I am reading this book called "Unlimited Power" by Anthony Robins and is a pretty good book. Especially when you want to learn to control your mind.

For the past don't know how many years, I lost this "missing someone" feeling and now it came like a silent bell but I am not going to let this feeling control me rather I want to control it. Sometime, it isnt necessary to really see/talk to the person to ease this feeling. my pig sister happen to be opposite. She will turn herself from a pig  to a tiger-like pig if she misses someone too much while I will turn into a immobilized pig who is trying to get itself as busy as possible but it didnt happen today because I have many questions that were not solved yet. Been pondering the whole day and I still get down to nothing. Maybe the time is not right yet.

My 2nd half of the world is a brand new world that I may not know how to handle but Thank god, I had James beside me to help me even though I didn heed much of his advice. I still take up the choice that I want. Maybe it doesnt seems good, but  things are so upredictable that makes nothing is right or wrong. Many times I rather feel I am in the greyish area. So I decided to be like the song lyrics..



丰富的过每一天 快乐的过每一天。


Well, that refers to my point of view to my love life. my future wise, money is still important since I got to look after my family.

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